Tuesday 8 March 2016

Secretary Bird sets off to collect five types of fish, expertly caught by five amazing fishing birds, to make a tasty treat for Lion who want's something different to eat for a change.

Illustration by Martin Aveling


One morning lion woke up in a grumpy mood.

Sniffing the air, he snarled at last night's leftovers and groaned.

“Same thing to eat day after day! Steak for breakfast, steak for lunch, steak for supper! – I’m tired of eating steak.” he moaned.

Staring into the distance, he watched Secretary Bird who seemed to be finding all sorts of tasty treats for her breakfast!

“Secretary Bird”, he called, “I’m bored with eating tough, chewy steak day after day! – Can you suggest a tasty treat for me to eat?”

Secretary Bird thought for a moment and then replied, “Snakes are my favorite treat Sire!”

“Snnnnaaakes!” groaned Lion, “Yuck! – I tried one once – It tasted bland! - Nothing but skin and bones!”

“Can’t you think of something succulent – something tender – something full of flavour?” he pleaded.

“Aaah!” exclaimed Secretary Bird, “Have you ever tried the delicate flavour of fish Sire?”

“Fish?” said the King, brightening up, “Oooooh – I’d love to try fish! I pounce on them in the river!” he grinned.

“But fish are such slimy, wriggly things  – they slip through my claws! Who could catch such slippery, slithery creatures?” he asked.

“Leave that to me Sire,” said Secretary Bird, “Many of my friends are fishing birds. I know just who to ask! I will prepare a 'Five Flavours Fish Dish' for your supper tonight!”

Then, plucking a quill from behind her ear, Secretary Bird made a list, slung a sack on her back and stalked off across the plains.

The first on the list was a tiger-fish so Secretary Bird headed straight for a lake.

There, perched at the top of a tree, sat a majestic bird whose snow-white feathers gleamed in the morning sun.

"Fish Eagle," called Secretary Bird,
"Please catch a Tiger Fish for the King."

"Tiger Fish for the King? ... What a curious thing!" thought Fish Eagle. But he was happy to oblige. 

"No trouble at all!" came his plaintive call.

He scanned the water with his razor-sharp eyes till he spotted a Tiger Fish that looked king-size. Then swooping low, he caught it fist go with talons that grip like a vice!

Secretary bird held the sack open wide and Fish Eagle dropped the Tiger Fish inside.

"Thank you Fish Eagle," said Secretary Bird.

Next on the list were two Catfish so Secretary Bird stalked off to a river. 

There stood a strange looking bird whose beak was shaped like a spoon! 

"Spoonbill," called Secretary Bird, "Please catch two Catfish for the King!"

"Catfish for the King? ... What an unusual thing!" thought Spoonbill - but she was happy to oblige. 

"Though this water is muddy and the river is wide, I can find Catfish no matter where they try to hide!" said Spoonbill.

And stirring the mud with her feet, Spoonbill swept her sensitive spoon from side to side.

Swish, swish, swish, swish.

Then suddenly, with a snip and a snap two Catfish were caught and sent flying through the air and into the sack! 

"Thank you,"Spoonbill said Secretary Bird.

Next on the list were three Lungfish so Secretary Bird marched to a swamp.

There, among the reeds, stood a mysterious looking bird whose bill was shaped like a shoe!

"Shoebill," called Secretary Bird, "Please catch three Lungfish for the King."

"Lungfish for the King? ... What a peculiar thing!" thought Shoebill - but she was happy to oblige. 

"To catch one of those, I just wriggle my toes, then, standing still, I wait until a Lungfish swims right under my bill!"   

Then down with a splash, her mandibles gnashed and with a crunch and a crash, three Lungfish were caught and sent flying through the air - into the sack! 

"Thank you Shoebill!" called Secretary Bird and off she strode down to a stream because next on her list were four tasty Bream! 

There, in the sunshine, drying his glossy black feathers, stood a sleek black bird with a pointed beak. 

"Black Heron," called Secretary Bird, "Please catch four Bream for the King. 

"Bream for the King? ... What a very strange thing!" thought Black Heron. But he was happy to oblige. 

"I have a trick up my sleeve - I can catch fish with ease!" ...

"Watch - this works like a dream - using my shadow - I'll soon catch four Bream!"

Then Black Heron did an extraordinary thing!

Circling his wings - he made an umbrella, and, with his head tucked under, his neck coiled back and his sharp beak ready to strike - he froze! 

Beneath the shadow, where the bream came to hide, quick as a flash, with a dart and a flap - four bream were snapped and sent flying through the air - into the sack! 

"Thank you Black Heron," said Secretary Bird.

Next on the list were five bottle-nose fish so Secretary Bird headed back to the lake.

There, on an island, sat five swan-like birds with enormous bills.  

"Pelicans," called Secretary Bird, "please catch five bottle-nose fish for the King."

"Bottle-nose fish for the King? ... What a very odd thing!" thought the Pelicans. But they were happy to oblige.

"Using synchronized skills, our pouches we fill so we'll soon catch five fish for the King."  

Then, diving as one, with a whoosh and a splash, they scooped five bottle-nose fish and sent them sailing through the air - into the sack. 

"Thank you Pelicans," said Secretary Bird.

"Now, that's all on my list and the sack's full of fish," said Secretary Bird, "so it's time to head for home!"

And while the King was still taking his afternoon nap Secretary Bird emptied the sack and began to prepare a big surprise - A 'Five Flavours Fish Treat' -  A feast for the eyes! 

Just as the sun was about to vanish the King woke up feeling totally famished! 

"Dinner is served!" called Secretary Bird,and the King tucked in with relish.

Oh how he savored the flavour of fish! The taste of each was delicious! 

"Aaaah! That was superb!" the King praised Secretary Bird, "Thank you for such a tasty treat!" 

But poor Secretary Bird heard not a word - after such a long day she had fallen asleep! 

The End

  (Illustrations will be used - photos for reference only)                                                   © Shirely Aung 2016  

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